Immunity Boosting Elderberry Gummies are a kid friendly, all natural way to help support your immune system and stay healthy all cold and flu season long.
Now that I have a toddler on my hands, I’m always looking for ways to make things kid friendly. Especially super healthy, immunity boosting recipes like this one….gummies made with elderberry syrup! I recently read a study that took place in Norway in 1999 which showed that those who took 15 ml of Elderberry syrup 4 times per day at the onset of flu like symptoms got over their cold/flu about 4 days quicker than those who took the placebo. And it’s not just for cold and flu season. Elderberries are thought to help with sinus infections, allergies, blood sugar, blood pressure and more.
What the heck are Elderberries?
Elderberries are little black berries that grow on Elder trees in Europe, Africa and parts of Asia. They contain something called flavonoids which are powerful antioxidants with anti-inflammatory and immune system benefits. They’ve even made the top 10-list of foods highest in antioxidants. And although they seem to be all the hype lately, the use of Elderberries is dated all the way back to Hippocrates, the ancient Greek physician famously known for his quote: “let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”
These days I see elderberry syrup everywhere. In drug stores, grocery stores, heck Target even carries it. But the thing about store bough Elderberry products is that they all contain cane sugar which is exactly what you want to stay away from when building your immune system. That’s why I like making my own Elderberry Syrup (and pretty much everything else I eat) because I get to choose the quality of ingredients I use. Let’s make some gummies!
What you’ll need:
1 Batch Homemade Elderberry Syrup
3 – 4 Silicone Gummy Bear Molds
How Many Gummy Bears Should You Eat?
If you’re wondering how many gummies you or your kids should have each day, Iâd suggest starting slow. Elderberries do have laxative properties which some people can be sensitive to. In fact, in Europe they commonly use elderberries as a laxative. So start slow and see how you feel. Personally, if I’m feeling good and there’s no cold or flu going around I have about 3 – 4 gummies per serving. But if a family member is sick, if I feel a cold coming on or I’m about to travel I’ll up that to 3 – 4 gummies, 3 – 4 times per day.
And of course, when taking any new medication or herbal remedy, especially if you’re pregnant or nursing, always talk to your doctor, naturopath or health professional about what is right for you.
Specialty equipment and ingredients for this recipe:
Immunity Boosting Elderberry Gummies

Immunity Boosting Elderberry Gummies
- 2/3 cup Homemade Elderberry Syrup*
- 1/4 cup grass-fed gelatin
- 1/3 cup blueberry juice
Start by placing the silicone gummy molds onto baking sheets to help for easy transport into the fridge when filled.
Place 2/3 cups elderberry syrup into a large measuring cup. Top with gelatin and whisk to combine.
Warm 1/3 cup blueberry juice in a small saucepan over medium-low heat. Right before it's about to boil, remove from the heat and pour over the elderberry syrup mixture. Whisk everything together to remove any lumps.**
Using a small syringe, fill all of your molds and place in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes to set.
Store gummies in a sealed glass container in the fridge for up to 3 weeks. Enjoy!
Recipe Notes
*Homemade Elderberry Syrup Recipe.
**If mixture becomes too thick, you can warm over low heat to bring back to liquid form.
Do you know if we can freeze these? Worried I won’t use them all in 3 weeks!
Hi Ashley, Yes! These freeze well. Just make sure they’re in a completely sealed container. Enjoy!