A healthy and refreshing watermelon slushy that’s easy to make and will keep you cool and hydrated.
I’m very fortunate to be able to say that I had an amazing birthing experience. Don’t get me wrong, it was the most challenging thing (both physically and emotionally) I’ve ever accomplished in my whole life. But it was also peaceful, relatively calm and completely uncomplicated.
Del Mar Birth Center
I had a water birth at a birthing center in South Pasadena called Del Mar Birth Center. The place feels like a spa, with their home-style beds, deep and beautiful birthing tubs, full kitchen, beautiful showers, yoga balls, bar walls and more. Not only is the place comfortable and gorgeous, but the staff is amazing as well. Your first appointment is one whole hour long, so they can get to know you and address any worry or concerns you may have. Each appointment after is 30 minutes, which is pretty remarkable compared to the 5 minutes (if you’re lucky) that you typically see your doctor for visits. The Del Mar Birth Center also requires you to take classes on childbirth, breastfeeding and nutrition because they know that knowledge is power!
I’m convinced that this is why my overall experience as a new mom has been such a good and positive one. My husband and I both felt fully prepared to welcome Sena, our daughter, into the world and into our home.
Unlimited food and drink
One particularly unique thing about having a baby in a birthing center is that you get the say on almost everything, including food. You can eat and drink as much as you wish during labor. In the final stages of labor the last thing you’re thinking about is food, but regardless it’s still your choice. One of the most common reasons woman need an IV during labor is because of dehydration. For that reason, the midwives made sure we understood the different stages of labor and encouraged us to load up on electrolytes in the early stages. Then as labor ramped up my husband would make sure I had a sip of water between each contraction. I had no needles, no IV, no bed straps and no hospital gown when I gave birth. And we all went home, me, my husband and Sena just 5 hours after she was born.
A watermelon slushy is born!
To tie this all together, this is why the Watermelon Slushy Recipe was born, pun intended 🙂 I created this watermelon slushy because I was due in late September, which is still incredibly warm here in Southern California. This slushy was perfect because it’s quick and easy to make, healthy, naturally sweetened, filled with electrolytes and totally refreshing. In fact, I loved it so much, that I continued to drink it for the following month after delivery to keep me cool and hydrated while breastfeeding.
Pregnancy aside, this slushy is a real treat. Especially when your watermelon is perfectly ripe. It’s almost like a Slurpee that got a super healthy makeover. Pregnant or not, male or female, young or old, this drink is for all!! I hope you enjoy it. 🙂
Healthy and refreshing watermelon slushy Recipe

Watermelon slushy
- 1 cup frozen watermelon*
- 1 cup frozen pineapple or mango
- Juice of 1 lime about 1 Tablespoon
- 1 cup coconut water
Place everything into a blender and starting on low speed blend slowly working up to a higher speed. Enjoy immediately.
You may also enjoy My Favorite Green Smoothie and The Perfect Pregnancy Smoothie!